About Us

Founded in 1977, Gutiérrez Márquez Asesores specializes in providing customize services in Taxation, Accounting, Legal, and Financial fields. We are dedicated to developing close and long-term relationships with our clients, which allow us to comprehend their needs. We undestand how challenging can be the course of businesses, therefore our services are based in offering integral solutions through  a mutual and constant cooperation.


Distinguirnos por la excelencia en la prestación de servicios profesionales, agregando valor en todas nuestras actuaciones en beneficio de los clientes y vinculados, con base en el conocimiento, compromiso y experiencia.


Ser una de las compañías líderes a nivel nacional en la prestación de servicios profesionales siempre enfocada en el respeto por la normatividad vigente y en aportar al crecimiento y bienestar general de Colombia, de los clientes y del recurso humano.

Legal Team

Our team of lawyers has an interdisciplinary approach that allows us to provide our clients with solid and efficient results.

Financial Team

We are a committed team in structuring financial businesses, with the aim of providing tools that enable our customers achieve their goals.

Tax and Accounting Team

Our team of accountants and tax experts, is ready to provide our clients with the best advice, working for their interests and always complying with the regulations in force.